segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

Confusion of whys

Why so many whys?
Why there are whys for everything and for every question like why? We do need whys for everything.
Why? Why to the what, to the where, to the who, to the when and even why to the why? And why all this whys? Are they needed? Why?
Why is the why to the why of the why in the why? Why do you need to know? There isn’t nothing more common then the why. Do you know why? Why don’t you know?
Why do all whys come up as a question? The whys could be used to say something affirmative, but they don’t. Why is that?
Why all this whys? Why is that, and why was it there, and why was it with him/her. Why so many whys in the why world? Everything is about whys and the reason of the why, and the why of the why when why is nothing more then a simple why?
Do we need to know everything? NO! But why?
Dam it. There I go with the why. Even though I can not stop wondering why? Why do I ask so many whys? Perhaps is because there is a reason. But what can it be? And why?
Why is the why to the why of the why in the why following another why because of the why taking in considerations all this whys?
1st Febuary 2009

domingo, 8 de maio de 2011

The Skull

Once, while in a journey through the desert, there was this man. He was tumbling through the desert for years, until, one day he came into the possession of a skull he found in the middle of the pitiless sand during an unforgivable storm. That night, after finding shelter, he fall a sleep using the skull as a pillow.
As he fall a sleep the skull came into the man’s dreams and said: “so you have found me”. Confused the man asked: “what are you?” “I am The Skull of Truth!” it answered.
More confused then before the man asked again: “Am I dreaming?” The Skull laughed and answered with another question: “How can you distinguish a dream from reality? What makes you think that when you are dreaming your leaving the Truth and that when you are awakened you are leaving an illusion?”
Felling uncomfortable the man said slowly: “I don’t think I have understood!” The Skull took a deep breath and said: “Think of it this way. You have two choices. You can walk way from me and return to your illusion of Truth and believe in whatever you want to believe or you can walk with me and be a god in the middle of no where and therefore leave in a world without boundaries.”
The man hesitated and took a step back. “You mean that I have to chose between leaving in a dream where nothing, no one but me exists and stay in the place where I grew a family and actually can be someone? Isn’t the choice quite obvious?!”
Outraged the Skull shouted: “You foul. I offered you freedom and that is your choice? I am sorry. It seems I was wrong about you. But remember that either here or outside you always have a choice.”
The man said nothing and so he turned his back to the Skull of Truth and as he did this he woke up. He gets up and looks down to where he had laid down and saw that the skull has turned to ashes. And that he as alone, helpless and powerless.
18th March 2009

quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2011


...two last texts that you may have read or not, were actually the turn of the tide to a new fase on my writting. The questioning of all! It lasted very little, but still most important!

I really don't care anymore

I don’t really care anymore about me. About what I am or not.
I don’t really care if I am loved, not loved or hated anymore. Curtsey of my best friend.
I don’t really care if I am lucky or unlucky in one way, some ways or every ways.
I don’t really care if the world is changing every day to worst or better.
I don’t care if people are becoming mean and mean as time goes by or if they are becoming good.
Many things have lost interest to me. So many things I could be here the all day. In fact I could almost write a book about it.
Like I am losing interest in many things, many other people are.
The only problem is that I am just saying this to convince my self that I really don’t care. As a matter of fact, unfortunately, I care. But, to be realistic, not very much.
The big issue is that most people are stopping to care about anything what so ever.
When will people beginning to care? When will we stop to be completely obtuse?

31th January 2009

segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011

I'm Through with Love

“I am trough with Love/I will never fall again (…)”.
This words sound like coming out from a desperate person don’t they? Well I wish I could do that. Never fall in love again. Yes I wish I could do that. But why is it that every time I try it the Love Boat comes back to pick me up?
Why does it do such a thing to me?
I wish I could never fall in love again so I could fell no more pain, have no more suffering, no more hope in that subject. It is as they say: “Wishful thinking only leads to disappointment”.
It seems that the more I imagine the good things that we could do together, the things we can go through, the happy moments we could live…more of a failure it becomes.
Don’t think I am to pessimist! Want to know the rest of the song?
“(…) because I must have you, /or no one”.
That’s right. I’m always in the mood to fall in love to at least one person.
Just wish I could know who she is! 
12th January 2009

domingo, 1 de maio de 2011

What Do I Think of Love

Some will say that it’s a dreadful and painful bound and others will say that it is the most beautiful and “tasty” thing of the all world. Well, I found out the middle term. I think that love is a too faced coin. It can cause us many pain or many joy.
I also believe that it’s a matter of some luck or destiny. Many people may be lucky or may even have been written on their destiny that they will know love, taste it, have it and perhaps live with it.
But let’s talk about those who never met love. Just felt it, but never had it, nor tasted it. What about those people? Most of them are those who know more about love, and care more about it. And those are the kind of people that when they have the chance or the luck to taste love, make it last as much as they can. The lucky ones or destined ones don’t really care much about love nor understand what is to fell pain in love and so when they do not have love, for a few weeks, months, or maybe one year, on the palm of their hands they do not really care.
That makes me fell sad. If they only knew what they are throwing out of the window. If they only knew that it’s like throw way diamonds…
Love! The machine that makes our world keep spinning and functioning.
What is it really? A synonym for pain or the fountain of joy and happiness?
It’s your time to think!
16th December 2008

sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011

In the beggining...

... little after I was created, as anything freshly made, I dared only to floot on the surface of writting. Romancism, ceptcism were main abordation's on my texts. But the one's who I enjoied most was when I wondered, lost in thoughts up here, in the big rock near the mountain top, I looked up and admired her and just moments after that, I would come down to my place and writte a Moon's adoration text! 
However, with time, things beggan to change. Quite a lot! Only two things remained: my ritual to go the very same spot every time and the love before my lover.

quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011

Where are you?

Where are you my dear? Where have you been in this last couple of weeks? What have you been doing? The time for you to change your looks has already passed. Where are you my beauty?
I miss you, you know?! All this days when I go outside at night and I look up, to the place where you live, but only a few of your neighbours are there. If only they could answer me, answer to my question perhaps I wouldn’t be needing to write this text, this love letter for you my beauty.
Where are you my lover? I miss your cold, white, pale face, looking at me, starring at me. Without you at sight I can not receive the energy that you usually send upon me and that makes my mind and spirit almost as clean as taking a bath on the ocean.
You know how my  maker loves the ocean don’t you?
Where are you my sweaty? The last time that I saw you, you were diminishing little by little and by then, I was missing you already. Can you imagine how I fell by now? After all this days without you not even near me? Has our distance been a bad thing already now you fail to show up right in front of my door. Why my love? Don’t you love anymore? You know that I still love you don’t you?! I always wait for you to come and as you usually wait for me to get to the top of the mountain.
But now for the first time sense you and I became lovers, you fail me. Where are you Moon? Where have you been? Have you forgot how important you are to me?
Ssssh. Rest my love. Now that I’m finally free from any obligation,  no longer bound to society, you and I have all the time in the world.
Wait for me Moon, has I am waiting for you now.
27th January 2009

quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

My Lover

Me and her can only see each other at sundown and night, but it’s at night that her beauty is at its pick. One night each month I can’t see her and each day she changes her looks. It is also each month that she is more beautiful then usual. Her white face glows marvellously and sends to me a strange energy.
I look to her upwards and she looks to me downwards. We try not to be seen but from where she lives there are thousands of watchers, but they do not bother.
She’s so far way and yet so close. We fall in love for each other recently and few know of our love.
Our lips never touched, our arms never exchanged a hug and neither me nor her, ever step foot in each other land. But I love her for her beauty and she loves me simply because I love her.
We will never be able to do anything but exchange looks!
Why? Because my lover is The Moon.

9th July 2008

terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011


"Madness, is a very close state to perfection". This were one of the first words to come out of my mouth! I emerged from his mind by the July of nearly three years ago; then given a name by that very same time; a few weeks later I was given a personality and writting style. I was created from this moment on and with time I beggan to have a story, a life, a familly, an unique apperance - as well as a clothing style -, a more accurate character and gained my freedom entierly!
I despise talking about my self; it is as worthless as it is completely uncesseary. The last thing you shall know about me is that, at long last, people truly interested, shall know my words, what I have been writting for this past three years.
Now it will truly...beggin!